The Rule is not intended to be a source of division and condemnation but rather an instrument of communion...It is not intended to be an end in itself but a temporal means toward our eternal life in heaven. Members bind themselves to the Rule, for the Rule defines who we are and what we are for. The ‘Order’ is simply the Rule in practice, and its members are those who practice it.

Members of the Order of St. Basil the Great (the Order) commit to the following:

The Daily Office – Members of the Order will follow a daily plan of Scripture reading and prayer. This will be accomplished through use of the Book of Common Prayer (1979 or 2019). Members are asked to pray two offices daily.

The Eucharist – Members of the Order will receive the Eucharist once a week. It is preferable that this be done in the context of the corporate worship service you attend. If the Eucharist is not available corporately it may be received privately. If the Member is a lay person, it is preferable that they should receive Holy Communion from one who is an ordained minister.

Contact/Relationship – Members of the Order are encouraged to engage with other Members and the Bishop Protector by means of electronic and in-person communication. Members will be given access to the Order’s online forum and will be expected to participate regularly in meetings as they are offered (virtually or in person).

Mentoring/Spiritual Direction– Members of the Order will submit to a mentoring relationship and/or spiritual direction. Mentors and spiritual directors may be from within or outside the Order. Mentors and spiritual directors outside the Order may be contacted concerning the progress of the respective Member.

Retreats – Members of the Order will participate in at least one retreat annually.

Report and Reaffirmation – Members of the Order must submit reports of spiritual, ministerial, and educational activities according to the Ember Letter cycle (the first Sunday in Lent, the Day of Pentecost, Holy Cross Day, and St. Lucy’s Day). They will reaffirm their vows in writing to the Bishop Protector annually.

Self-denial – Members of the Order will undertake to fast as physically able, or to engage in some activity that will help them put God as the focus of their life. Additionally, Members will give a portion of their time, talents, and resources to the Order, their parish, and those in need in their surrounding area.

Study – Members of the Order will engage in the regular reading of Holy Scriptures and other Christian writings, both ancient and contemporary.