The Doctrinal Essentials

We affirm decision-making based on Scripture, tradition, and godly wisdom. The Holy Scriptures are self-attesting and the essence of Truth which require our unreserved submission in all areas of our lives. The authoritative and trustworthy written Word of God is a complete and unified witness to God’s redemptive acts which culminated in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority in matters of faith and life. The Word of God, Incarnate and written, provides the foundation for the following which doctrines we affirm along with Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds:

1. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator, sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To Him be all honor, glory and worship forever!

2. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the Living Word become flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His birth of the Virgin Mary. He who is true God became true man, His two natures are united in one person forever. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross, a perfect sacrifice for our sins, according to the Scriptures. On the third day He rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, seated at the right hand of the Almighty Majesty on High, He mediates as our High Priest and Head of the Church. Jesus Christ is the exclusive Messiah. The only Way to salvation, the only Truth and the only Life in whom people may put their trust and obtain eternal life.

3. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to the hearts of sinful, repentant people. He convicts us of sin and draws us to the Savior. Our Lord baptizes His disciples in the Holy Spirit, who empowers them through multiple infillings and supernaturally manifests Himself through them to do the work of ministry in Jesus’ Name. The Holy Spirit illuminates the Holy Scriptures, instructs the hearts of believers, and guides us into all truth.

4. Being estranged from God and condemned by our total depravity, our salvation is wholly dependent upon the work of God's unmerited favor and graciousness. God credits His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, and thereby justifying them in His Holy Presence. Only those who are born of the Holy Spirit and receive Jesus Christ, in word and obedient action, as Savior and Lord, become children of God, members of the Body of Christ and heirs of eternal life.

5. The one holy catholic and apostolic Church, the true Church, is composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, are united together in the Body of Christ. The Church finds her visible, yet imperfect, expression in local congregations where the Word of God is preached in its purity and the Sacraments are administered in their integrity, scriptural discipline is practiced, and loving fellowship is maintained to nurture the believers in the life of Christ. For her perfecting, the Church awaits the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

6. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth—suddenly, personally, visibly, and bodily—to judge the living and the dead, and to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. We seek to faithfully serve Christ in the world as His ambassadors as we joyfully anticipate His appearing.

7. The Christian’s mission is to follow the Messiah's first and principle command, the Great Commandment: “Hear” (take notice and follow My instruction), “O Israel” (separated unto Me and by Me, you who carry and are identified by My Holy Name), “The Lord our God is one” (The One owning exclusive and supreme authority and power in every aspect of our lives). We, individually and corporately, are commanded and therefore choose of our own God-given will, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength. Our mission is to demonstrate that we are Christians by certifying our Holy Spirit inspired and empowered nature. Demonstrating Almighty God’s gracious love (compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness) through us—individually and corporately, in word and action—by pursuing the highest and best interests of our neighbors (those whose lives are closely linked with ours, and those within our sphere of influence), showing the same concern we have for ourselves.

8. As we endeavor to meet the standards of God’s love, we are to fulfill the risen Jesus of Nazareth’s Great Commission: “Go make disciples (those who learn to obey) of all nations (people of every ethnicity), baptizing (initiating with water) them in The Name of the Father (Almighty God, God above every God), and of the Son (Jesus the innocent crucified, only begotten, blameless and perfect Lamb of God, promised Son of King David, who died, the conqueror of Satan, Sin, Disease and Death, and who remains the Resurrected God-man), and of the Holy Spirit (the Clean, Divine, incorporeal Comforter, Teacher, Inspiring and Animating Person and Power in the unified Trinitarian nature of God), and teaching (by instruction and personification) them to obey everything that I have commanded you (those who hear and follow His voice and example).”

9. Human beings are not God but were created in His likeness and image. The creation serves and is sustained by the Creator. We were created for communion with God and one another in purity and in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. Communion with God and the believers is marked by love (bold and godly), joy (secure hope in Jesus’ blessings and promises), peace (seeking to resolve conflict and fleeing dissension and divisiveness), patience (continuing to encourage and instruct others despite suffering), kindness (showing love through acts of mercy), gentleness (being humble enough to warrant being approached) and self-control. Self-control includes fidelity in heterosexual marriage, abstinence from any homosexual contact, and continence outside the bonds of marriage. Self-control includes moderation in all matters that could jeopardize the health, safety, and legal standing of the individual created in God's image. In matters where human law, custom, or reason conflict (or appear to conflict) with God’s commandments as revealed in Scripture, the disciples’ loyalty to Scripture takes precedence.

10. We affirm the Author of Life, the stewardship of creation, through environmental preservation, and the protection and validation of the irrevocable and inherent sanctity and dignity of all forms of human life, from conception to the grave. We affirm peaceful resolution and reconciliation of conflicts between persons, groups and nations, where possible.